Memang sampai sekarang windows 10 ini masih tetap mengeluarkan versi Technical Previewnya, tetapi semoga saja dengan perbaikan yang terus menerus dari pihak microsoft sendiri untuk windows 10 TP ini segera dirilis juga untuk windows 10 Pro Versi Finalnya. Untuk proses instalasi nanti jika diminta serial number silahkan anda gunakan serial number windows 10 di bawah ini.
Serial Number Windows 10 Pro : NKJFK-GPHP7-G8C3J-P6JXR-HQRJR
Kami membagikan Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 ini dalam dua versi yaitu Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 32 Bit dan juga Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 64 Bit. Jadi silahkan anda download sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, apakah windows 32 Bit atau windows 64 Bit. Link download juga kami sediakan banyak pilihan, mulai dari single link, part link 1 Gb, hingga part link 390 Mb. Bagi anda yang ingin mendownload Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 ini melalui part link, silahkan anda download semua partnya kemudian anda ekstrak salah satu file rarnya saja.
System Requirements Windows 10 Pro TP
Basically, if your PC can run Windows 8.1, youre good to go. If youre not sure, dont worryWindows will check your system to make sure it can install the preview.
- Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
- RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
- Free hard disk space: 16 GB
- Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver
- A Microsoft account and Internet access
Link Download
Windows 10 Pro 32 Bit
Single Link
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 (2.5 Gb)
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 (2.5 Gb)
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 (2.5 Gb)
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 (2.5 Gb)
1 Gb Links
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
390 Mb Links
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 4
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 5
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 6
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 7
Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
Single Link
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 (3.4 Gb)
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 (3.4 Gb)
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 (3.4 Gb)
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122 (3.4 Gb)
1 Gb Links
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 4
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 4
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 4
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 4
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 4
390 Mb Links
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 1
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 2
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 3
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 4
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 5
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 6
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 7
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 8
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 9
Windows 10 Pro Build 10122_Part 10