Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Vodacom LTE Network tips
Vodacom LTE Network tips

I recently activated a Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE to try out Vodacoms next generation LTE data network - Here are a few hints and tips I picked up along the way:
- LTE is not available on prepaid - You need to have a Vodacom contract to activate LTE.
- You can activate LTE on your contract yourself by logging in to or calling 111, but...
- You cant activate LTE on a 32K SIM card (this is not a problem on micro SIMs)
- You can activate LTE on a data SIM that is linked to a primary Vodacom contract as long as your primary number is on a 64K SIM card (or higher). I had to do a SIM swap on my primary 32K SIM at a cost of R63 (and activation of the linked data SIM cost R90).
- It may be helpful to set the Network mode to WCDMA or GSM only and then manually select a network operator while you are trying to get set up. My test phone could not locate a data signal for the first time while it was in Auto mode. I think its because I didnt have LTE coverage at the time, you can check Vodacom LTE coverage here.
- There is a glitch with a batch of the LTE version of the Samsung Galaxy S3 where the phone will prompt your for a network unlock code at first boot (unfortunately I got one of the bad batch). You need to phone Samsung SA (08607267864) and have your IMEI number handy to get this problem sorted.
- LTE is fast, 46% faster than HSDPA in my initial speed tests, so you might like to set your device to only update apps over WiFi if you can (under Settings in the Play Store) - Otherwise your updates could run while you are out (and all your data will be gone) before you have a chance to realise whats happened. Alternatively you can control Automatic updating at an individual app level in the Play Store as well. Id recommend a fairly strict approach as Vodacom LTE really tears through data.
- You can extend your battery life (and manage your data consumption quite well) by setting your Network mode to GSM only for day to day use as this setting is fine for most web browsing and email type tasks. Only switch over to WCDMA or LTE for specific data hungry tasks like downloads and watching YouTube, then switch back to GSM when you are done.
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Watch Or Download Majemu Yoruba Latest Movie
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Wanita Berdasarkan Teknologi
Wanita Berdasarkan Teknologi

Baru-baru ini World Computer Scientist Journal mengadakan survey secara asal-asalan terhadap para computer scientist tentang bagaimana cara mereka memandang wanita, dan beginilah hasil riset asal-asalan tersebut:
1. Tipe CPU:
Pintar, pemikir, tidak banyak bicara tapi mengerjakan banyak hal, (diam- diam tau-tau sudah 7 bulan).
2. Tipe Monitor:
Genit, senangnya diperhatikan, suka pamer, (padahal belum tentu yang dipamerin bagus).
3. Tipe Keyboard:
Senang dipegang, ditekan dan dipencet di berbagai lokasi (awas, salah tekan bisa hang )
4. Tipe Printer:
Aktif, ditekan sedikit geraknya banyak, kalau sedang dipakai berisik, (nggak cocok di rumah type 21 atau RSS, mengganggu tetangga).
5. Tipe Mouse:
Pas dan enak digenggam, dingin-dingin empuk!.
6. Tipe Windows:
Tampak luar bagus, dalamnya penuh bugs.
7. Tipe Linux-Console:
Tampak luar jelek, dalamnya handal.
8. Tipe XWindow:
Luar dalam bisa dihandalkan.
9. Tipe DOS:
Wajah tidak cantik, belum tentu hatinya baik!
10. Tipe UNIX:
Diam-diam, multi user.
11. Tipe PLC:
Badan besar dan kekar, Mampu bekerja di tempat kotor, 24 jam sehari, 365 hari setahun nonstop selama 30 tahun.
12. Tipe Windows NT:
Multi user, previlleges bisa costumized.
13. Tipe Windows Vista:
Selalu up to date, exclusive, nggak sembarangan terima pria, apalagi bajakan
14. Tipe Windows 7:
Mirip dengan Windows Vista namun flexible, menerima laki-laki atau perempuan yang penting kasih sayang
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Watch Or Download Battle For Survival Part 1 2 Nigerian Latest Movie
Watch Or Download Battle For Survival Part 1 2 Nigerian Latest Movie
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Download Pt2
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Watch Or Download Rejected Proposal Nigerian Latest Movie
Watch Or Download Rejected Proposal Nigerian Latest Movie
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Inteljensia adalah tugas pertama bagi wanita di militer Israel. Hal itu dimulai sejak usia 18 tahun bagi laki-laki dan perempuan hingga 38 tahun bagi perempuan dan 40 tahun bagi laki-laki.
Seks sebagai Senjata untuk melumpuhkan lawan dan keinginan Politik Israel di seluruh dunia
Para sejarawan tentang usia negara Israel mengisyaratkan bahwa seks selalu menjadi senjata paling penting bagi gerakan zionis dan dianggap legal dalam perang mereka untuk menegakkan entitas Israel ini. Karenanya, harta, uang dan perempuan menjadi senjata paling penting digunakan Israel dalam hal ini. Mereka menggunakan cara-cara illegal. Wanita mereka gunakan untuk melayani seks dan rayuan.Untuk lebih jelas secara detail mengapa hal ini diterapakan oleh Yionis Israel dalam mencapai tujuan dan cita -citanya untuk menguasai dunia silakan Klick di " MENELISIK YAHUDI DI INDONESIA .
Di Irak sudah banyak Klub - klub Malam untuk menghibur Tentara - tentara sekutu.
Kenyataan ini diungkap oleh studi Daniel Rayikh bahwa gerakan zionis sejak masa otoritas Inggris di Palestina membuat badan khusus yang diisi oleh ribuan pelayan-pelayan yahudi yang bertugas menghibur pasukan-pasukan Inggris dan pasukan sekutu yang sedang beristirahat di pantai Israel selama perang dunia kedua. Bahakan kini di Irakpun mereka telah melakukan hal yang sama dengan mempekerjakan wanita - wanita muda Lokal penduduk Irak untuk melayani para tentara sekutu yang ada disana. Hal ini dilakukan Oleh tentara Amerika yang beraviliasi dengan Israel yang kemudian membangun Klub - klub Malam di Irak, dengan mempekerjakan wanita - wanita muda di Irak.
Peneliti ini menegaskan, pembentukan badan ini agar Israel bisa mendapatkan dukungan dalam proyek permukiman yahudi dan mempermudah pencapaiannya di Palestina. Cara seperti ini berlangsung hingga kini. Namun berubah kemasan. Sejumlah sumber Israel menyebutkan bahwa kerja inti badan intelijen Mossad berdasarkan kepada wanita dan 20 % pekerjanya adalah wanita.
Israel juga mengorganisir pekerjaan mucikari dan rayuan sebagai bagian kerja organisasi gerakan zionis. Rayikh menegaskan, Tel Aviv di tahun 1940-an paling marak dengan profesi pelacuran. Apalagi karena banyaknya pasukan asing di kota tersebut. Disamping juga karena kondisi ekonomi yang dihadapkan kepada pendatang baru dan keluarga yahudi miskin.
Untuk Kepentingan Politik
Dinas politik di agensi yahudi adalah pelaksana dan pengarah urusan pelayanan wanita dalam proyek pemukiman yahudi. Terkadang juga dinas lain seperti dinas intelijen juga ditugasi semacam ini.
Rayikh menegaskan, syarat pelayan di café-café Israel adalah usia mereka harus masih muda dan remaja dan bisa berbahasa Inggris ala kadarnya. Mereka juga tidak boleh dalam ikatan di dinas pasukan Inggris. Mereka juga harus mengajukan lamaran lengkap foto dan identitas diri serta rekomendasi.
Rayikh menambahkan, para tokoh permukiman ydhuai berusaha memanfaatkan hubungan dengan pasukan asing untuk kepentingan propaganda pemukiman yahudi.
Fenomena pemanfaatan wanita untuk pelayan berlangsung hingga sekarang dan menjadi rahasia yang tidak boleh digunakan. Sebab ini menjadi masalah sensitive terkait dengan pelacuran dan perkawinan campuran.
Namun badan pelayanan wanita yahudi ini berubah kemasan yakni organisir pelayanan seks untuk kepentingan negara Israel. Di antaranya adalah menggunakan wanita-wanita yahudi itu dalam kerja intelijen. Mossad sendiri merekrut wanita Israel untuk digunakan dalam merayu elit militer dan politik di sejumlah negara musuh untuk memperoleh informasi militer dan keamanan.
Wanita-wanita itu berhasil beberapa tahun belakangan dalam aksi militer membunuh tokoh Palestina Hasan Salamah dan mencuri informasi rahasia kedutaan Iran di Cyprus dan biro Hizbullah di Swis serta menculik pakar Israel Vanunu di Italia.
Mossad mengandalkan wanita dalam memata-matai. Para agen yang tertangkap faksi bersenjata Palestina mengaku bahwa seks adalah sarana paling manjur. Wanita itu merayu dan melakukan aktivitas seks dengan targetnya. Secara diam-diam aktivitas seks itu direkam dan kemudian digunakan untuk mengancam ketika target menentang perintah. Bahkan ahli agama yahudi menganggap aktivits seks sebagai bentuk ibadah dan memberikan jasa kepada negara.
Wanita di militer merupakan sepertiga dari militer Israel dan dianggap sebagai factor penting dalam kekuatan militer Israel. Namun laporan dari dalam badan keamanan Israel ini menegaskan, 20% wanita yang bekerja di sana mengalami tekanan dan pelecehan seksual dari rekan mereka. Namun kebanyakan mereka tidak mengadukan kepada yang berwenang.Available link for download
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Watch Or Download Akiti Yoruba Latest Movie

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Waterfalls beautiful Beneath The Stars from the British Empire or rather United Kingdom in 1981
Waterfalls beautiful Beneath The Stars from the British Empire or rather United Kingdom in 1981

In this late year for Britannia straddling the new wave divide it would have been a shock to hear a record harking back to Renaissance and the Strawbs folk prog style whose popularity peaked a decade earlier, and surely they could never have hoped for commercial success... and quite obviously they didnt care, and that uncompromising attitude is exactly what we recognize and celebrate today: for this record is plentiful and fecund with gorgeous songs that would have been much more appreciated before-- many many years before. Consider the evocative "You are golden like the sun and silver like the moon" which reminds me so much of my youngest son with his light blonde hair and dark blue moods:
Whilst the addition of a fiddle adds a Comus-like dimension to the Old Ladys Song:
The unique aspect of this song is the descending chord progression which, in the chorus, is gorgeously echoed by the "gone away, how can I say, hes gone away."
They released two other records before this one that are sadly disappointing in side by side comparison, possibly due to the strength of this particular one. Anyone who needs them can request below.
Many many thanks again to my great dear friend who (re)discovered this record for myself, and thereby for the world at large.
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003 Vista Folder File Info
003 Vista Folder File Info
Hello users and bloggers. From bcdalais archives you will get some best tech info and some new Tips & Tricks for windows. The documents will be updated whenever there is new information will be available.
About this: This document describes each and every system folders and some important file names. It describes the uses of the folder and describes why it in the Windows Vista OS.
Example of the contents:
nap: Contains files related to Network Access Protection (NAP).
Offline Web Pages: Downloaded web pages for offline reading.
Panther: Files related to Windows setup.
Performance: Files related to Windows System Assessment (WinSAT).
PLA: Performance logs and alerts information
PolicyDefinitions: .admx files for extending Group Policy.
Prefetch: Data files related to enhancing the speed at which applications start.
Provisioning: XML schema files related to authentication.
BootMgr: The Windows Boot Manager
WinLoad: The Windows Boot Loader.
Ntoskrnl.exe: The core (also called the kernel) of the Windows Vista operating system. Code that runs as part of the kernel does so in privileged processor mode and has direct access to system data and hardware.
Hal.dll: The HAL dynamic-link library file. The HAL abstracts low-level hardware details from the operating system and provides a common programming interface to devices of the same type (such as video adapters).
Smss.exe: The Session Manager file. Session Manager is a user-mode process created by the kernel during startup that handles critical startup tasks including creating page files and
Download PDF:
Author: bcdalai
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
YouWave Android 2 2 3 Full Patch
YouWave Android 2 2 3 Full Patch


Minimum System Requirements:
- Intel Pentium 1.6GHz, CPU1GB DRAM, 500MB disk space
- Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 32/64 bit
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Xiaomi Redmi Note vs Alcatel OneTouch Flash features Price release date
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Watch Or Download Father and Gun Part 1 2 Nigerian Latest Movie

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Watch Or Download Odu Aiku Yoruba Latest Movie

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Monday, November 28, 2016
Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 Update Juli 2016 Activated
Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 Update Juli 2016 Activated

Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 Update 2016 yang admin bagikan kali ini merupakan versi original dari microsoft yang tidak ditambahkan atau dikurangi di bagian sistem windowsnya. Tetapi beberapa aplikasi sudah ditambahkan di dalam windows ini, sehingga anda tidak perlu mendownload beberapa software penting untuk windows Anda. Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 Update 2016 ini juga kami bagikan secara pre-activated, jadi anda akan mendapatkan windows yang langsung aktif ketika anda install ke komputer anda. Sudah ada juga update resmi dari microsoft hingga bulan Juli 2016.
This release is the best you could find on the net:
- NO tweaks or add-ons.
- NO additional programs and software added.
- NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
- Its the original image from Microsoft except added updates and IE11!
- 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
- 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM.
- 20 GB available hard disk space.
- DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.
Available link for download
Vodacom 4G LTE data network speed test results
Vodacom 4G LTE data network speed test results

Note that the signal strength indicator dropped to 3/4 bars during the 4G/LTE test so I will need to find a location where I can get full strength and then retest to reveal the full potential of the Vodacom LTE network. (Update: I have since located an area with full Vodacom 4G signal and I actually achieved less impressive results than with 75% signal, but I will keep scouting...)
None the less, I am already impressed by the speed on offer by the Vodacom LTE data network in spite of not having full signal - LTE download test results are 46% faster than HSDPA and LTE upload test results are an amazing 432% faster than HSDPA (at the same location).
You can also get a feel for every day Vodacom LTE performance here or get Vodacom LTE network tips here.
Vodacom 4G/LTE results, Emmarentia, Johannesburg

Vodacom HSDPA/3G results, Emmarentia, Johannesburg

For what its worth, I got about 2.5Mbps download and 1Mbps upload on Vodacom LTE with 1 bar of signal strength, so network performance is better on full signal HSDPA than average / low signal LTE.
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Windows 7 Product Keys 100 Working Serial Keys

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Sunday, November 27, 2016
watch live stream Unicaja vs Lagun Aro GBC Mar 07 2012 ACB
watch live stream Unicaja vs Lagun Aro GBC Mar 07 2012 ACB
ver vivo Unicaja vs Lagun Aro GBC, Mar 07, 2012, ACB Watch Live, Preview, Final Score, Highlights
Even if you missed a game no worries! You have a great opportunity to see all the highlights of the whole game after the live match is finished. So do not miss to watch Unicaja Lagun Aro GBC highlights on Mar 07, 2012
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X Ray Mobile Application
X Ray Mobile Application
Introducing new mobile application that can turn your mobile phone into an X-ray scanner
Fool your friends, they wont believe what they see! Download this application onto your mobile and start the X-Ray. Mobile X-Ray Scanner is a novelty product and does not function as a real X-Ray scanner.
your can download x-ray scanner for mobile here :
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Saturday, November 26, 2016
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what is nimbuzz

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