Monday, October 31, 2016

Whats New in iOS 7 Beta 4

Whats New in iOS 7 Beta 4

Lock Screen
? New chevron (>) arrow added to lock screen in front of "slide to unlock".
changing the lockscreen background now previews the lockscreen.
? Control Center pull up indicator is now just a line. Notification Center pull down indicator is also a line.
? Tapping on lock screen causes a sideward bounce -- prompts users to slide to unlock
? Changing the lockscreen wallpaper will preview the wallpaper with the lockscreen

? Removed "HDR" overlay in the camera app

? Live Camera Filters for 4S

? Auto-focus square is now orange rather than green

? Summarise option in Photos & Camera setting to ? Playlist download all button is back

Spring Board
? Folders now have better/proper color to match the wallpaper.
make the views for photo collections more compact

? Picture previews arent "negative" anymore

? Tweaked dialer call button

? Tweaked answer phone buttons

? You can now disable/enable contact photos in favorites

? Shuffle artist songs

? Multitasking Previews are now live, not just a static image

? PDF files look different in mail app

? The gradient on the mail weather and safari icons gradients are more subtle.

? You only see the first letter of a persons last name in the messaging app now.

Notification Center
? "Completed Uploads" in the settings for notification center

? Tabs are now capitalized

? You can now swipe between panels in Notification Center

Game Center
? Game Center settings now accessible

? You can forfeit/delete Game Center challenges within Game Center

? Frequent Locations can be used to improve Apple Maps, History of Frequent Locations is also shown differently

? Drive time now displayed under the blue car when selecting a location

? Dramatically improved response time.

? Animation times are much shorter and snappier.

? Spotlight tweaked, Cancel button in search fields

? Accessibility improvements with bold text

? In a selectable list, the options are now centered

? Apps that use the camera now use the iOS 7 camera

? Caps lock icon and shift icon tweaked

? Siri Q&A Screen when pressing the "?" icon in Siri

? Back button during setup says "back" instead of previous screen

? New iPad "2X icon when viewing iPhone apps on iPad screen

? Minor Safari UI Tweaks, website without a Favicon show a Safari logo

? New Airplay Icons

? Slight Newstand UI Tweaks

? You can now select a sound for AirDrop alerts

? Compass calibration is now faster

? Screen brightness changes when closing passbook

? Few new icons in

? Snooze during alarms says "Tap to Snooze" instead of just snooze

? Search in reminders app

? App Store opens in last section you were visiting instead of the default featured tab

? "Grabbers" have a new look (the tab that comes up for notification center when youre full screen/watching a video)

? Improved algorithm for detecting which font to display depending on wallpaper

? Second hand on clock icon is now active [Thanks @iGlassGuy]

? Numerous crashes fixed

Available link for download