Thursday, April 27, 2017
You Can Make Much Money Online Internet For Free
You Can Make Much Money Online Internet For Free
You Can Make Much Money Online/Internet For Free
Due to the global harsh economic situation many people have sort different ways of elevating their standard of living and recently the internet has grown tremendously as one of the fastest ways of making much money legitimately,but the problem is that many have not really gotten the real information on the available channels through which they can earn money.

In this article we are going to show you different ways you can join the world of internet made billionaires, this is a very great opportunity as what we are about to show you is going to be a financial eyeopener.
How You Can Make Money Online/Internet
The process of making money are numerous but in other to make it easier for your understanding we will limit it to the following:
Whenever you find a product you like, promote or advertise it to others, and earn a certain percentage of the profit for each sale that you make, which means you dont need to produce anything just get people to buy and you are rewarded for serving as a link or middleman between the producer and the buyer. Affiliate marketing means that you promote products for your niche. A link or banner advertising the product is displayed on your site. If visitors click on it and make a purchase, you receive a commission.
Affiliate marketing on internet has credit to William J. Tobin, who came up with the idea as a concept as the founder of PC Flowers & Gifts. Launched on the Prodigy Network in 1989, PC Flowers & Gifts remained on the service until 1996. By 1993, PC Flowers & Gifts generated sales in excess of $6 million per year on the Prodigy service. In 1998, PC Flowers and Gifts developed the business model of paying a commission on sales to the Prodigy Network and from then affiliate marketing evolved to level we now have it
This online business is very lucrative as many people have made a lot of money from it, they are many affiliate marketing platforms of which some them are as follows:
1. Rakuten Linkshare.
2. CJ by Conversant.
3. amazon
4. Avangate
5. ClickBank.
6. ebay Partner Newtork.
First of all we will have to tell you the difference between a blog, blogging and blogger.Blog is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other websites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects. Then the act of using blog is known as blogging while the person who does the blogging is blogger.
Many blogs focus on a particular topic or niche, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like personal journals, presenting the authors daily life and thoughts.
Before you will start earning via your blogging there things that has to be on ground first;
- Create your own blog. Build your blog. And secure a niche on what to write. Draw from your expertise & experience and write informative posts and articles about your chosen topic. Make your content excellent. In order to make money, you must have visitors, but in order to have visitors, you must have content worthwhile to visit, and it advisable that you blog about things you have expertise in or a keen knowledge
- Get your intended readers or people who would need the things you blog about, by creating a valuable content( a relevant and important information) As you create valuable content, start building genuine and sincere relationships via social media, forums & groups, commenting on other blogs and the like. Consider starting a mastermind group. Reach out to people in your niche. Find people who could use the information you provide. Get to know them, interact, be friendly and helpful by offering no-strings-attached tidbits of your expertise. Word about you spreads best via people who know, like & trust you.
- When you have gotten your required audience, readers or visitors t your blog a strong platform is needed to keep growing in the knowledge of your craft so the content you produce gets increasingly great. Use your blog to get exposure, build authority, gain trust and be helpful.
- Advertising
- Affiliate Marketing
- Digital Products
- Physical Products
- Services
Freelance Writing
Freelance means working for different companies at different times rather than being permanently employed by one company.
A freelance writer is a writer who works on a self-employed basis. They can work for just one magazine or, more often, they write for several different publications at a time. The more diverse a writer can be, the more likely they are to be published and paid for their work.
Basically, freelance means someone who works for different companies instead of being an employee of one company. A freelance writer is being paid based on the quality of his article. We will show you how you can use freelance writing effectively to make money online
- Endeavor to learn principles of effective writing. As a freelance writer, much of your work will likely be published on the internet. The principles of writing for the web differ slightly than writing for print. The content must still be high-quality and well-written, but the presentation must be adjusted for the way people read online material.
- Due to low resolution of online text, readers tend to scan rather than read everything from top to bottom. Make your text easily scanned by breaking up text using descriptive headings and bullet points.
- You should make effort to present your writings inductively. This means writing the conclusion first and then providing examples to support it.
- Make your copy effective by being concise and using simple language. Aim your writing to an eighth-grade reading level. Remove unnecessary or confusing words or terms.
- You should use keywords and phrases that improve your ranking in the search engines.
- You should have a close observance of your area of interest and expertise. If you take the time to reflect on your experiences, you will realize that you have more knowledge about which to write than you might think. Begin by listing three assets that define you, such as your profession, a special hobby or a personality trait. Next, list three things that inspire you, such as religion, education or charity. Finally, list three of your dreams, such as getting married, traveling or spending more time with your children. These three lists should give you many ideas of topics about which you can write.
- You should create a website where you be publishing your articles. Your website not only demonstrates your technical ability, but it also creates an online hub that allows clients to connect to you. Keep the design of your website clean and uncluttered. Include examples of your work that demonstrate the kind of writing you do. Make the samples easy to find and to read. Finally, make it easy for visitors to figure out how to contact you.
However, as I stated earlier there are many other means but the ones I gave you here are purely based on an evaluation we carried out on, therefore any suggestions, questions or contributions as regards You Can Make Much Money Online/Internet is welcomed in the comment box.
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