Saturday, March 11, 2017

What is a Virus

What is a Virus

Have you ever ask your self that question before ? well here i am going to show you the basic of what a virus really is. A virus is a piece of code so will try to do wierd actions on your computer. Copy itselfs to diffrent places on the computer is the most commont action it will do. They may attach it self to a spesifc program or spesifc file type. The importent part to a virus is to survive as long as Possible. The writters to the virus want it to stay alive. What a virus will do is try to gain access to the system of the computer to take control over important Functions of the system. This is how a virus will try to stay alive. Some viruses may also try to attack Threats as AVs disable important functions like "Task Manager" so you cant turn off the Processes the virus is running in.

What i mean about important Functions is like "System Restore" ect this can restore the computer to a later condition. So to mabye delete all the restore points or even disable it from the user to use it. Viruses are much more harder to get ride of if they are Executed on the victems computer since than they can use hiding Techniques to try avoid to get detected by the AVs. They will most likely try to not exist on the computer. Since they are trying to merge with virus free programs so are legaly. Also they can try to Deny access to files they are hiding in so the AVs cant open them up. This is just few Techniques they will try to use to stay hidden on the victems computer. So you should always scan files befor you execute them.

So how can they really take away important Functions on the computer like "Task Manager"? Every function to the computer is saved in something called registry. So viruses will normaly do alot of changs there to take out functions so are important to the computer and user. Normal computer users without knowledge about registry arent able to turn thos needed Functions like Task Manager on again. There is alot of persons out there in the World so dont even know about how this really works. Think about every Person on the Earth nearly all have a computer so they have access to at home? But have they really any knownledge about the threats and how to deal with them? Answers is No!. So this is why its so very big risk for so many to get infected since they arent really prepared about the threats out there so are hiding in every single corner when you surf on the internet. They arent taking the Alert on how bad it really is. When they are download something they aret even beliving that it might be a threat? Are they even scan the Files befor they execute them? I think No! All thos problems wouldnt be so big if peoeple really open up there eyes and took a look at whats going an.

What ever all the AVs and Security stuff poeple are making. It wont stop the threats as viruses and unwated programs will still be everywhere but if poeple just stopped up for one second and started to be abit more carefully about what they are doing on the Internet they might not be as so big risks as they are today. Just with simple few steps they can avoid to get infected.


- Downloading Software
- Clicking on Pop up windows
- Clicking on Attachments via E-Mail
- Havet patched up the computer
- Surfing on Unsecure Sites
- Entering unsecure IRC rooms
- Clicking on Links so you may get from "Messenger" or "E-Mail"

Here you see a few ways you can get infected with viruses. So as you see its very easy get it. But if you just thinking about what you are doing on the computer you can easy avoid alot of virus infections. Many Poeple may ask what is the best protection? There aret any program so can give you 100% secure computer. Best AVs you have on your computer is "You".

Available link for download