Wednesday, September 14, 2016

You can no longer downgrade from iOS 7 to iOS 6

You can no longer downgrade from iOS 7 to iOS 6

After a significant period of testing, Apples overhauled iOS 7 has made the move and gone public and official. As with any major software rework, there was no shortage of bugs (some bigger than others), nor was there a lack of complaints about the new look of the OS.

As always, however, there are those who dont quite like the new OS and want to revert back to iOS 6. Whether their concerns are strictly related to the new design, or they simply suddenly found out just how old their iPhone 4 is getting (the oldest iPhone to support the new OS), due to the significantly more animation-heavy iOS 7, theyre simply not given a voice. Said more explicitly, in a typical Apple fashion the plug has been pulled on iOS 6 officially, meaning that whatever ways you could find to revert back will no longer work. Thats not to say you cant revert back to it at all, its just that Cupertino has stopped signing older firmware, meaning that you wont have access to essentials, such as the iTunes store.

 Some of you will be quick to demonize Apple for this, and we fully get it – were, after all, enthusiastic proponents of choice. On the other hand, Apple has traditionally kept OS fragmentation to a minimum thanks to a strong hand approach like this -- a good thing for a number of reason, like an overall better and more targeted support for our iPhones.

Available link for download