Monday, March 27, 2017

Wassapp An unofficial WhatsApp client for PC

Wassapp An unofficial WhatsApp client for PC

Wassapp is an unofficial client WhatsApp for PC that lets you use the application messaging from a computer under Windows XP or higher. That is you can enjoy all the benefits that the popular app on the desktop of your computer without any problems.

Features Wassapp PC

  • Allows you to send and receive text messages from your PC
  • Allows adding contacts via Google or importing them manually.
  • Supports emojis emoticons and group chats.
  • Wassapp PC lets you send attachments with full efficiency.
  • You can display all types of content from the browser.
  • Gives notifications when new messages.
See also - How to install WhatsApp Messenger on an Android tablet

Using Wassapp on your PC

If you tené s registered in the WhatsApp application number will follow the process with a few steps. First you will indicate your location, country, phone number and IMEI then you continue with the step that will take you to chat with your friends with WhatsApp from PC.

To get the IMEI must follow the steps you will be dictating the program (in this case you do not know) When using Wassapp, the original app will disconnect the phone and vice versa, it is important to emphasize.

To download for PC Wassapp youre getting all the benefits of the number one tool when instant communication. Do not forget to install. NET Framework (4.0 at least) for the operation to a successful conclusion.

Download for Free PC Wassapp here
Developer : Lowlevel Studio.

OS : Windows 8(32 & 64 bit),Windows 7(32 & 64 bit),Windows Vista(32 & 64 bit),Windows XP(32bit)

Enjoy! If you want to tell us what you think let us comment on the blog or on social networks .

Available link for download