Saturday, December 31, 2016

Warning Application Charger Sunlight in Android

Warning Application Charger Sunlight in Android

Application Charger Sunlight in Android - The users smart phone operating system Android need to be aware of a number of apps that claim to charge the battery from the sun through the screen. "The problem is that Android devices do not contain solar panels which are essential components for converting sunlight into electricity," said Symantec Cyber ??Security Intelligence Manager, Paul Wood, in the September issue of the report.

Application Android

Wood said such an application can not do anything without the solar panels, but instead steal sensitive information from the users smart phone with Android smuggle malicious software or malware. Symantec Intelligence Analyst, Hon Lau, said the exploit application flaws Android devices which often have low battery durable.

"Mobile processors that consume energy (electricity), the screen is bright and large, and the frequency of use of the device means that the battery capacity is needed so the phone can be operated all day," said Lau.

Lau pointed out that claims applications can recharge the battery with sunlight, but instead steal information from the device is the "Battery Long" (Android.Ackposts) and Android.Sumzand.

Before the smart phone manufacturers Android install solar panel components in their devices, Lau recommends that users keep charging the battery with the old way, which is connected to the "jack" or through the USB slot.

"Also, be careful with the application that you download and install from market applications (application marketplace.) If the application asks permission does not seem reasonable to aim properly, do not install the application," said Lau.

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What is Happening to ntel Have They Giving up on Lagos State

What is Happening to ntel Have They Giving up on Lagos State

Ntel, Nigeria’s most advanced 4G Long Term Evolution(LTE) Network which commenced operations April 7th in Lagos seems to have shift her focus from Lagos environment to Abuja.
Scanning through their site with my 3D glasses, I saw where they announced more offices being open in FCT as seen in the image below offering unlimited streaming and data for 30days with just

The first thing that came to my mind was what happened to their shadow offices in Lagos? I remember how everybody was busy reserving shadow numbers including me not knowing that Lagos won’t even have a taste of it shadow network soonest.

It was rumored weeks ago that their SIM chip got stuck  in Dubai, that why they were experiencing delay in startup. But it’s over 6weeks and nothing has been heard about ntel operating in Lagos state, Nigeria. And yet they promise to start operations in PH soon. 
What is happening to ntel? Have they finally given up on Lagos state or they lack capacity to handle Lagos citizens as whole? What happened to all the numbers we reserved?

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logo blogge
a blog is a site that publishes regular posts and displayed in reverse chronological order. The term blog is short for weblog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called "blogging". Every article on a blog called "blog posts, A blog include text, hypertext, images, and links (to other web pages and to video, audio and other files).

has the blogs in my opinion the same as having a tabloid company, and blogs are the product, a tabloid without the article in it certainly will not mean anything, as well as blog with no posts in it, for balance, blog content should be tailored to the theme of the blog, imagine, if you buy a sports magazine, and when you read it, you see the contents of this magazine is talk about politics, sure you will say "this is a mistake", the balance between theme blogs and content will greatly affect the quality of a blog

if writing is your hobby, blogging is a great way to appreciate your hobby

"from the article above I wanted to gather opinions from your poll about what is the reason you create your own blog ?  please write your comment in the comment box"

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Watch Or Download Amaya The Powerful Sorcerer Part 1 2 Nigerian Latest Movie

Watch Or Download Amaya The Powerful Sorcerer Part 1 2 Nigerian Latest Movie

Watch Amaya The Powerful Sorcerer Part 1&2 online or you can choose to download it to your computer devices: This Is A latest Nigerian hot Nollywood movie: ...Watch below: 

Download Pt1

Download Pt2

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XML Siemap For Blogger Site

XML Siemap For Blogger Site

xml-sitemap-for-blogger Sometime last year, we had informed you folks about Google rolling out XML sitemaps for Blogger blogs. Though we couldn’t find any official announcement from Google/Blogger, it looks like this feature is now available on all Blogger blogs including those which use a custom domain name like this one.
Sitemap is an XML document which lists out all the URLs of your site in an XML format so that search engines can easily identify and crawl pages on your website. The location of the sitemap is usually specified in the site’s robots.txt file(which will be read by the Search Engine Crawlers).
If you look at the robots.txt file of any Blogger Blog, you will find that it specifies a new sitemap URL.

As you can see in the above screenshot, this blog’s sitemap is located at
If you take a look at this URL, you can see that it lists out the URLs of all posts on BP along with their last modified timestamp. This information will help the crawlers in easily identifying any new entries on your blog.

Managing Sitemaps on Google WebMaster Tools

Google can easily find out your sitemap URL by reading your robots.txt file, but in case you want to explicitly specify the Sitemap URL and see the crawl/indexing statistics, you can update the new Sitemap URL in Webmaster tools. To add the new Blogger Sitemap, login at the below URL using your Google account.
If your blog was already added to webmaster tools, then it will be listed on Webmaster tools, if not add it using the “ADD A SITE” button. Once your blog is listed on WebMaster tools, click on the site name so that it takes you to the Site Dashboard.

Now navigate to Crawl > Sitemaps on the left side menu. Now click on the “ADD/TEST SITEMAP” button,give sitemap.xml in the text box and click “Submit Sitemap

Once it’s submitted, you can see the results on the same page. If you had previously added blogger’s RSS/ATOM feed as the sitemap using old methods, you can delete them(or you can keep them, it doesn’t make a difference).

Blogger Sitemap – FAQ

Question #1 – Is this feature available for custom domain blogs or blogspot blogs or both?
The Blogger XML sitemap is available on all blogger blogs including custom domain blogs or normal blogspot blogs. you just need to append /sitemap.xml to your blog’s home page URL to see the sitemap.
Question #2 – Can I add this blogger XML sitemap to Google Webmaster tools?
Yes you can add it to webmaster tools as described in the tutorial
Question #3 – Should I add blogger’s ATOM/RSS feed as blogger sitemap?
No you no longer need to do that. Blogger RSS/ATOM feeds will have a maximum of 500 posts. If you use the ATOM/RSS feed method, you will have to add new feeds everytime you make another 500 posts on your blog. Instead you can just add sitemap.xml as the only sitemap for your blog. Blogger will automatically add new posts to this sitemap and convert itself into a sitemap map in case there are more posts. So you can just add sitemap.xml and let Google/Blogger do the rest.
Question #4  - Should I then remove the old RSS/ATOM sitemaps from Webmaster tools?
Yes you can remove the old feed based sitemaps, but it’s not mandatory.

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Which Do You Prefer Removable VS Non Removable Mobile Battery

Which Do You Prefer Removable VS Non Removable Mobile Battery

Phone geeks must have been wondering why suddenly Phone manufacturers switched to non-removable battery. Some of us don’t really like the facts that most smartphones company now produces non removable battery devices. I’ve been privileged to interact with different individual regarding their choice of smartphone and majority of them prefers removable while some don’t really care.

You’ll notice that the use of Universal charger is gradually going out of the market and being replaced with Power banks because most devices now have inbuilt battery.

Personally, I don’t like devices with inbuilt battery because when it eventually lags you have to wait for the battery to run down before you can restart it (what if your device is like that of Ouikitel K10000 whose battery can last you for 10days without charging, meaning you have to wait for 15days before you restart it?). What if you device fall into water or hot pepper soup, how will you dry it if you can’t remove the battery? That may be the end.

*Removable battery is easy to replace

*It is easy to Hard Restart

*Phones with inbuilt battery are slimmer and lighter with unibody design.

Manufacturers don’t want you to tamper with the battery and integral part of the phone that is why they keep producing non removable battery devices.

Now, Over to you… Tell us your experience with removable and not removable battery smartphones you’ve used before and which do you prefer?

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Friday, December 30, 2016

ZPlayer A music Player v4 3 APK

ZPlayer A music Player v4 3 APK

ZPlayer A music Player v4.3 APK


ZPlayer - screenshot ZPlayer - screenshot
ZPlayer - screenshot ZPlayer - screenshot
ZPlayer - screenshot ZPlayer - screenshot
ZPlayer - screenshot ZPlayer - screenshot
Welcome to ZPlayer a Windows Phone 7 / Zune themed player, a better richer and more interactive media player.
Get album reviews, artist biographies, top tracks, playlists, related artists and podcasts (audio/video) all in one application. 

+ Swiping the homescreen to the left/right shows the current playing song and listening history.
+ To jump to the now playing screen, use the volume controls to reveal the music controls, and then tap on the song name(in bold) or the artist name.

Now with more widgets, fast forward and rewind controls, headset controls home screen customization, equalizer, audio effects. You can start with your own media, and learn about other artists, other tracks and what other people are listening too. Pair this media player with a last fm account and submit likes, now playing status, and scrobble tracks.

The Application uses android framework Audio Effect API, this API was introduced since android 2.3. Therefore only devices that have at least Android version 2.3 will be able to take advantage of this feature.

if you use a third party equalizer that controls the output mix for all media playing on the device, disable it before using this application. This application needs to control its own audio effects.
* audio effects implemented include Equalizer, Bassboost and Virtualizer based on Android 2.3

Whats in this version : (Updated : Apr 6, 2015)
  • Added option to choose user languages for biographies and album info.
  • Added option to leave notification in the status bar
  • Added podcast notification controls
Required Android Version  : 2.1 or above 

App Version : 4.3

App Size : 4.3 mb

Play Store : z player

User Rating : 4.5

download link below 

zmusic player v 4.3 apk

ZPlayer A music Player v4.3 APK

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WeChat updated v4 2 brings Video Calling Support for Android

WeChat updated v4 2 brings Video Calling Support for Android

WeChat updated v4.2 brings Video Calling Support for Android
Tencent, the third largest internet company in the world, has updated its Android WeChat messaging apps to v4.2 that includes new features such as video chat and hindi language support.

WeChat is a free mobile voice and text messaging application with over 100 millions registered users globally, making it one of the most popular mobile chat applications in the world.

Now Android users of WeChat will be able to make video calls and interact with their friends face to face using their Android smartphones. The Video calls from WeChat for Android can be made and received over Wi-Fi and 3G networks without any hassles.

The new version of the application on Android will also allow selective sharing of moments using visibility options. The user can create custom defined groups and can reply directly to a friends comment in moments using @tag.

WeChat 4.2 will also feature a new QR name card that can be shared via Facebook. The new version of WeChat is accessible on the web, allowing users to chat from their personal computers via the browser from

The 4.2 Android version of WeChat has the option of Hindi language. Additionally, the app will also support eight new languages which include Japanese, Korean, Italian, Arabic and Polish.

Download WeChat Android apps from Google Play Store.

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Watch Or Download Aye Onilara Yoruba Latest Movie

Watch Or Download Aye Onilara Yoruba Latest Movie

Watch Aye Onilara or you can choose to download it to your computer devices: This Is A latest Yoruba hot Nollywood movie: ...Watch below  


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WhatsApp Web Now Chat from your Computer

WhatsApp Web Now Chat from your Computer

WhatsApp on your desktop, now you can communicate with your friends from their PC.

Using WhatsApp Web you can send and read messages using a web browser.

How to UseIt:-

1. First update your WhatsApp to latest version.

2. Open your Chrome Browser (Currently it supports only google chrome) and visit

3. Scan the QR Code that appeared on the web page using WhatsApp mobile application(menu - WhatsApp Web - Focus).

Gor Genunity you can check WhatsApp Blog Post

"Today, for the first time, millions of you will have the ability to use WhatsApp on your web browser. Our web client is simply an extension of your phone: the web browser mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device -- this means all of your messages still live on your phone..

Your phone needs to stay connected to the internet for our web client to work, and please make sure to install the latest version of WhatsApp on your phone. Unfortunately for now, we will not be able to provide web client to our iOS users due to Apple platform limitations.


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Thursday, December 29, 2016

yRadio 0 9 Blackberry Apps

yRadio 0 9 Blackberry Apps

yRadio 0.9 Blackberry Apps -  Radio Directory features over 50,000 professional and community programmed radio stations from around the world. yRadio offers tremendous depth and breadth of stations with genres ranging from Rock, Alternative, Jazz, Electronica, Bollywood, Latin to Zouk on a wide set of languages ??including Spanish, French, German, Swahili and Portuguese. We even have public radio scanner, police talk and are available in a variety of cities around the world.

With the app you can now take all your favorite station with you anywhere yRadio!

  • Access to over 50,000 radio stations yRadio (EDGE, 3G or WiFi)
  • Multitasking! Supports background audio playback so you can listen while doing something else on your BlackBerry device
  • Find an extensive directory yRadio
  • Set up your favorite stations list yRadio
  • Recents list for easy access to stations and radio stations played
  • It supports multiple broadband streams Were working hard on the next version of the Radio yRadio so stay tuned for more details!
yRadio 0.9 Blackberry Apps

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Download offline yRadio

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Youwave For Android Premium Terbaru v5 6 Full Crack

Youwave For Android Premium Terbaru v5 6 Full Crack

Youwave For Android Premium Terbaru v5.6 Full Crack
Youwave For Android Premium Terbaru adalah software terbaru dari YouWave for Android yang bisa anda download dengan gratis dan full version di KOMPIONE. YouWave for Android Terbaru ini adalah salah satu software yang bisa kita pakai sebagai emulator android di komputer maupun laptop kita. Jadi jika anda tidak memiliki Hp Android tetapi ingin merasakan seperti apa Hp Android itu dan menggunakan BBM di Android, maka dengan mendownload YouWave for Android terbaru ini dan anda install ke komputer anda. Anda kini bisa dengan mudah memakau BBM di komputer menggunakan YouWave for Android Terbaru ini.

Kini telah rilis versi terbaru dari youwave for android yaitu Youwave For Android Premium Terbaru 5.6 Full Version With Crack. Di dalam versi terbaru ini banyak sekali fitur yang ditambahkan yang akan semakin memudahkan kita untuk memakai emulator android ini di komputer atau laptop kita. Disini anda juga akan mendapatkan youwave for android full version dengan free.

Key Technical Features
  • Supports Android 4.0 ICS (Home Version (new)) and 2.3 Gingerbread (Basic Version)
  • Simulated SD card functionality – enables game saving
  • Saved State – enables fast restart
  • Enables multi-player online games
  • Dynamic rotating – phone-like instant response (new)
  • Volume control buttons (new)
  • Retractable control panel (new)
OS : Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or 8 32/64 bit
Language : Multilingual


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Watch Or Download Timileyin Yoruba Latest Movie

Watch Or Download Timileyin Yoruba Latest Movie

Watch Timileyin or you can choose to download it to your computer devices: This Is A latest Yoruba hot Nollywood movie: ...Watch below: 


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Xiaomi releases teaser for the new Redmi Pro hints at OLED display and 10 core processor

Xiaomi releases teaser for the new Redmi Pro hints at OLED display and 10 core processor

New Delhi: Ahead of the launch of Redmi Pro, which will be taking place on July 27 in China, Xiaomi has started teasing its features on Weibo, a Chinese tech company. The latest ones have hinted towards two more hardware details the smartphone will feature — an OLED display and MediaTeks 10-core processor.

The first teaser features celebrity Chef Liu Shi Shi, who claims to be cooking an OLED Ping, which hints that the next smartphone, supposedly Xiaomi Redmi Pro could feature an OLED display, that lets you see numbers and time without backlight.

In the second teaser, the celebrity hints at cooking a dish called "ten nuclear double stem head" and "brushed gold potato," which hints that the smartphone could feature a deca-core processor.

While the teaser hints at OLED display, there is no word on the size and resolution.

However many such earlier leaks have hinted at a 5.5-inch full HD display and a handset that will run MIUI on top of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. A 4GB RAM variant was also spotted on Geekbench benchmark, a cross-platform processor testing website.

The Xiaomi Redmi Pro is expected to come with a unibody metal design and while the fingerprint scanner is missing from the back, it could likely be present in the front, embedded within the home button with connectivity options such as Bluetooth, 4G LTE with VoLTE support, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, and GPS.

One of the rumors also hinted that Xiaomi may employ a USB Type-C connector for charging and data transfer.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

001 bcdalai Software Review Babylon 7 0

001 bcdalai Software Review Babylon 7 0

Babylon 7.0
Babylon is a powerful dictionary, translation and Currency conversion software.

To get translations and dictionary results with Babylon, simply use a preselected mouse button or mouse-keyboard combination to click on any text in any desktop application. The Babylon window opens and displays a translation or definition of the text you selected.
Babylon includes a full text translator service that can handle sentences and passages up to about 50 words.

Babylon includes a conversion utility that recognizes different types of numbers and units and converts these values into different currencies, units of measure or time zones.
Babylon also provides audio pronunciations and phonetic symbols to help users hear and pronounce terms correctly.

Babylon includes writing aids, such as cross-translation, conjugations and direct paste, to help users who are not fluent in English compose better texts in English.
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Salient Features:

Single Click Activation - Simple and intuitive
Full text translation in a single click
Spell check for Hotmail, Gmail, Blogs...
Smart Dictionary - Get translations to and from any language
Wikipedia content in a single click
Babylon Premium Content- results from Oxford, Britannica, and other leading publishers in a single click
Auto Completion

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias available are:
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus
Merriam Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus
Larousse Chambers dictionary, French-English-French
Free Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

New Features in Babylon 7.0:
The new and improved Babylon 7 does all the work for you with new automatic features: instant Spellcheck of your online text entry, automatic translation to your preferred languages, and autocompletion of your query terms.

Spellcheck Online Mail, Blogs, Chats and Forms:
Now you can spell correctly in over 15 languages. Babylon 7 instantly checks and corrects text whenever you type on the Internet - in chatboxes email, blogs, comment boxes, and forms. The Spellcheck delivers spelling suggestions along with translation and dictionary results - all in a single click.

Cant remember the word you need or how to spell it? Now its easy. Just start typing. Babylon 7 predicts the word or phrase you want, and automatically suggests choices to let you complete the word.

Smart Dictionary:
Get translations to and from any language. Babylon 7 automatically recognizes the languages you use and need, and gives you results for all those languages. Translate Chinese to German, Swedish to Italian, Japanese to Turkish, and many more.

Experience Babylon the way you want to see and use it. Babylon 7 lets you personalize the interface according to your preferences. Change the skin and background color, font size, transparency, the order of results, and more.

Access LingoZ, the online language community, in a single click. LingoZ offers users around the world a range of language services, including user-generated multilingual dictionaries and a Q&A service. Join other users on LingoZ to look up content, contribute your own, collaborate, and offer or receive language consulting services.

Download Trial:
Purchase Here:
Reviewed By: bcdalai

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Wow! LASG Approves New Retirement Age for LASU Staff

Wow! LASG Approves New Retirement Age for LASU Staff

Wow! LASG Approves New Retirement Age for LASU Staff: Lagos State Government (LASG) has approved the amended retirement age for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of Lagos State University. Professors now retire at 70!

Wow! LASG Approves New Retirement Age for LASU Staff

The Governor and Visitor to Lagos State University, His Excellency, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode has approved the amended Retirement Age for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the University.
The new Section: 42 [6] of the Lagos State University [Amendment] Law 2016 is as follows:
Retirement Age: 42 [I] as from the commencement of this Law, the retiring age for:-

  1. Academic Staff in the Professorial Cadre shall be Seventy [70] years;
  2. Academic Staff [not in Professorial Cadre] shall be Sixty-Five [65] years; and
  3. Non-Academic Staff shall be Sixty-Five [65] years
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    Monday, December 26, 2016

    Watch Or Download Sanmi Yoruba Latest Movie

    Watch Or Download Sanmi Yoruba Latest Movie

    Watch Sanmi or you can choose to download it to your computer devices: This Is A latest Yoruba hot Nollywood movie:  ...Watch below: 


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    Sunday, December 25, 2016

    Watch Or Download Desperate Mothers Part 1 2 3 4 Nigerian Latest Movie

    Watch Or Download Desperate Mothers Part 1 2 3 4 Nigerian Latest Movie

    Watch Desperate Mothers Part 1,2,3&4 online or you can choose to download it to your computer devices: This Is A latest Nigerian hot Nollywood movie: This is all about troublesome mothers who enjoys quarreling, fighting and sleeping with young boys who are old ...Watch below:

    Download Pt1

    Download Pt2

    Download Pt3

    Download Pt4

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    ZTE to Launch Mozilla Mobile OS based Smartphones

    ZTE to Launch Mozilla Mobile OS based Smartphones

    ZTE to Launch Mozilla Mobile OS based Smartphone
    Chinese telecommunications equipment maker ZTE Corp. plans to launch smartphones using a mobile operating system it developed with Mozilla, the U.S. software company behind the Firefox web browser, in the first quarter of next year.

    The move is the latest indication that handset makers are looking beyond Google Inc.s dominant Android mobile operating system as they try to diversify the software platforms for their smartphones and other mobile devices. While Apple Inc.s iPhone uses its own iOS software, most other smartphones currently sold around the world are powered by Android.

    ZTE Executive Vice President He Shiyou said at a press briefing Wednesday that the company, one of Chinas largest mobile handset makers, will also launch smartphones using Microsoft Corp.s Windows Phone 8 operating system at the end of this year or early next year.

    Along with Microsofts Windows Phone 8, the new mobile operating system from Mozilla and ZTE will fuel discussions world-wide about possible alternatives to Android. Potential alternatives are drawing more attention as the technology industry is closely watching Apples patent war against rival smartphone makers using the Google software.

    ZTEs smartphone launch plans also come after Taiwanese personal computer maker Acer Inc. last week postponed its release in China of a new smartphone using Alibaba Group Holdings Aliyun mobile operating system, after Google objected to the phones launch.

    Google said Alibabas Aliyun "was derived from Android" yet it isnt compatible with Android. Acer, a handset maker that is part of the Android ecosystem, isnt allowed to ship non-compatible Android devices, Google said. Alibaba, Chinas biggest e-commerce company, strongly disagreed with Googles view, saying that some of Aliyuns key software components were developed by Alibaba and are different from those used in Android.

    According to market research firm IDC, 68.1% of smartphones shipped worldwide in the second quarter used Android, while 16.9% were Apple products running on iOS. Microsofts Windows Phone mobile operating system accounted for only 3.5%.

    ZTE, whose main business is providing telecommunications infrastructure and equipment, entered the mobile handset business in 2002. ZTE accounted for 5.2% of all the smartphones shipped worldwide in the second quarter, up sharply from 1.8% a year earlier, according to IDC, ranking the company fifth after Samsung Electronics Co., Apple, Nokia Corp. and HTC Corp. of Taiwan.

    via - wsj

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    Saturday, December 24, 2016

    Xiaomi Mi Max price in INDIA release date specs features

    Xiaomi Mi Max price in INDIA release date specs features

    Xiaomi, or as I call them, the Apple of China, has already unveiled some powerful devices this year at MWC. Now it is set to showcase its newest phablet soon, the Xiaomi Mi Max. We now have official specs and a picture of the device as well as prices for all three versions. Come see what we know so far about the Xiaomi Mi Max.

    The lowest cost version of the Redmi Note 3, another Xiaomi phablet, was around $168. But according to the official Xiaomi Twitter account, the Xiaomi Mi Max lowest cost version will be more expensive at $230 with two other versions costing $260 and $300 (more on the versions in the specs section). This is lower Xiaomis newest flagship, the Mi 5, was released at $410. and Price in India Starts Approx. Rs 15,000
    The Xiaomi Mi Max will be released tomorrow, May 10 in China and we will report any details that come from the event. Though we dont have any information on an exact release date, we will tell you as soon as we find out.
    According to the leak site GizChina, Xiaomi polled fans to determine what its newest phablet would be called. The possibilities to choose from were: Xiaomi Pro, Xiaomi Plus, Xiaomi Big and Xiaomi Mi Max. Since Pro is already in use in a Xiaomi device it is probably too similar. Plus is used in a number of different devices from other manufacturers. That left only Big and Max as natural choices and Max ultimately won out. 
    The Xiaomi Mi Max name was determined by a poll from fans.

    Xiaomi Mi Max specs


    According to a tweet from the official Xiaomi Twitter account, the Xiaomi Mi Max will be able to get a full day of use without a charge. This is nothing special, even for a phablet, but the battery is going to be 4,850 mAh which is sizeable. I expect a battery this size to last longer than a full day, especially when you consider the specs. 
    The Xiaomi Mi Note display was 5.7 inches but the Xiaomi Mi Max is going to be even larger at 6.4 inches. The Mi Note had a 1080p IPS LCD display and its flagship Mi 5 had a similar screen. 
    Xiaomi confirmed many of the rumors previously reported by Android Tips Tricks but there are a few differences. Official tweets show three versions and not two: a 32 GB device equipped with the Snapdragon 650 processor backed up with 3 GB RAM costing around $230, a 64 GB variant with the Snapdragon 652 chipset backed with 3 GB RAM costing $260 and a 128 GB version with the Snapdragon 652 processor powered by 4 GB RAM priced at around $300. [post_ad]
    The Xiaomi Mi Max will come in three different colors: silver, gold and grey. The body will be metal with a flat back and sharper corners. There are capacitive buttons and the power button and volume rockers are on the side. You can see the first official picture of the Xiaomi Mi Max below.
    max-AndroidPIT-xiaomi-redmi-note-3-Xiaomi-Mi-Max-price-and-release-dateThe Xiaomi Mi Max looks sharp and functional. / © Xiaomi


    Xiaomi Mi Max features

    Renders of what is rumored to be the Xiaomi Mi Max surfaced from a factory in China and gave us our first glimpse of the device. The design is similar to the Xiaomi Note and could feature capacitive buttons as you can make out in the picture below.

    You can see the capacitive buttons from the render. / © GizChina

    At MWC, Xiaomi unveiled a unique feature for its flagship smartphones, a new camera system with image stabilization yet unseen in the smartphone world. We now know the Xiaomi Mi Max will come with a 16 MP f / 2.0 aperture rear and 5 MP front camera with an LED flash. 

    Xiaomi Mi Max FEATURES:-


    > Dual-SIM with 4G LTE, NFC

    > 6.4” -inch Full HD Display
    > Android 6.0 Marshmallow
    > Faster 64-Bit Octa-core processor

    > Camera 16-MP+5-MP

    > Powerful 4850mAh battery

    > Finger print Scanner




    > Dual SIM Support(4G+4G) with Dual Standby

    > NETWORK 4G LTE/3G/2G

    > Display 5.5 -inch Full HD(1920×1080) Display with Gorilla Glass 4

    > Google’s Android Marshmallow 6.0 OS

    > Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 652/ 1.8GHz hexa-core Snapdragon 650 processor
    > 3GB/4GB RAM

    > ROM 32GB/64GB/128GB

    > Micro SD card slot up to 128GB

    > 16-MP Rear Camera with phase detection autofocus (PDAF) and LED flash, f/2.0 aperture

    > 5-MP front selfie camera

    > Sensor Infrared Snesor (universal remote control), ambient light sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer, and proximity sensor
    > 4850mAh battery

    > Dimension 173.1×88.3×7.5mm

    > Weight 203gm

    > Colours Dark Grey, Gold, and Silver colours

    > Release date q2 2016

    > Price in China 1499 yuan

    > Price in USA $338

    > Xiaomi Max Price in India Starts Approx. Rs 15,000
    Don’t forget to Share it with your friends via Facebook & Google+ and Twitter, And if you like the article Xiaomi Mi Max price in INDIA, release date, specs, features and you may even Subscribe for New post, to get directly in your mail inbox.

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    Windows 10 All Editions Free Upgrade Free Download

    Windows 10 All Editions Free Upgrade Free Download

    Microsoft has just released the most anticipated and latest version of its popular operating system Windows 10. Windows 10 is officially launched in 190 countries on July 29, 2015. Launching of Windows 10 is a Microsoft step towards a new era of Windows that lets ordinary people, organizations and companies to do great things.

    windows 10 free upgrade free download

    What Make Windows 10 Unique:

    The first and most important feature of Windows 10 is that it is user friendly and easy to use. Windows 10 combines the features of both Windows 7 and 8 that will take future of computing to a whole new level. It uses the elegant start menu of Windows 7 and innovative features of Windows 8. It has enhanced security features and designed to startup and resume fast. Most unique feature of windows 10 is that it comes with free upgrade to all those users who are already running a genuine version of Windows 7 or 8 on their PC, laptop or any other device.

    Important Features of Windows 10 

    • Familiar and easy to use
    • Advance built-in security features
    • Designed to integrate Software and hardware you already own
    • Improved and advanced vision of future computing
    • Free upgrade to almost all users of Windows 7 and Windows 8
    • It boosts Edge, the fastest Internet Explorer
    • Streaming of real-time games on to your PC
    • Elegant and enhanced start menu
    • Wi-Fi Sense makes it easy for users to connect to trusted Wi-Fi hotspots
    • Newly added Windows Store gives you a unified shopping experience and let you browse and download your favorite apps, games, music, movies and TV shows.
    • Windows 10 came up with different options to choose from Touch, type, write, or speak

    System Requirement for Windows 10

    1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor
    1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit
    Hard disk space:
    16 GB for 32-bit OS 20 GB for 64-bit OS
    Graphics card:
    DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver

    How to free upgrade to Windows 10 

    If you already have installed a genuine version of Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 on your PC, Tablet or laptop then you’re eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 10.

    In order to reserve your free upgrade check out the Windows 10 icon usually appeared on your system tray.

    Make sure to run and install all windows updates for your existing version of Windows 7 or Windows 8 otherwise you may not be able to see the Windows 10 icon.

    If you have disabled windows update then enable it from Control Pane>System Security> Windows Update.

    Once you have installed updates click on “Reserve your free upgrade” in the Get Windows 10 app

    Provide you Email and you PC will start download Windows 10 file and inform you once its ready to update.

    How to Download Windows 10 for Free 

    If you don’t wanna wait for the update to arrive then you can also upgrade and download Windows 10 multiple editions using Microsoft media creation tool. 

    Download media creation tool here: (32-bit version) (64-bit version).

    After downloading run the tool and select the required option. 

    For upgrading, select Upgrade this PC now.

    If you want to download Windows 10 to install it on any other PC then you have two more option.

    You Can download Windows 10 installation file on a USB or DVD and can also download a Full Windows 10 ISO to extract and create a bootable USB or DVD.

    Note: If your download stuck or show any error or if you not have already installed a genuine version of Windows then you can free download multiple editions of Windows 10 ISO right here and download Windows 10 keys or windows 10 activation keys also below: Enjoy!

    Download Windows 10 All Editions (32-bit version)

    Download Windows 10 All Editions (64-bit version)
    Windows 10 activator

    Available link for download

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    Your Uninstaller! Pro 7 5 2013 02 Full

    Your Uninstaller! Pro 7 5 2013 02 Full

    Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share software yang berfungsi untuk memaksimalkan penghapusan program-program yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi di komputer kita. Ada kalanya proses penghapusan tidak optimal, karena mungkin masih menyisahkan file, registry, dll yang kedepan nya akan memperlambakt kinerja komputer kita. Untuki itu, biasanya saya untuk masalah uninstall aplikasi, saya selalu menggunakan Your Uninstaller! Pro 7.5.2013.02 Full.

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    List installed applications with appropriate icons(same as you see in the Start Menu), you can easily find the application you want to uninstall.
    Powerful search feature allows you quickly find the program you are about to uninstall.
    Automatic detection of invalid installations and removing them with one click.
    Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry(care to use!). [PRO]
    Lighting speed at startup, 5-10 times faster than Add/Remove Program of Windows XP!
    Export programs list to file or printer.

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    Friday, December 23, 2016

    Youtube Downloader Pro 4 8 0 4

    Youtube Downloader Pro 4 8 0 4

    Youtube Downloader Pro is a software that allows you to free download, convert and play videos from YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video, and most everywhere else too. The program is easy to use, just specify the URL for the
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