Monday, December 12, 2016

What is difference between Different type of mobile apps like hybrid and native

What is difference between Different type of mobile apps like hybrid and native

Generally we heard 3 types of mobile apps:

Native Apps
Web Apps
Hybrid App

Native app builds in device’s native programming language
BB- Java 
Ios Objective-C
Android it’s Java. 
These are fast, reliable, and and can better use device hardware.
An application that is using device barometer, compass, camera should be built in native 
Native can be used only for the platform for which that has been developed.
ex: facebook app for android cant be used for blackberry

Web app is like website (using HTML 5, CSS3) which opens in mobile browser 
Its UI is like an Application not like a website. Some sites hide the browser headerpart by which it gives the look of app.
It cant used hardware features and native api.

Hybrid app is totally different from Native. you can say that it is a  combination of HTML 5 and native technology.
It simply developed in web Technologies (using HTML 5, CSS3) and then modified in a way that it can be used for a specific platform.
After that it can be upload in app store.l
Phone Gap modifies your app in such a way by adding the native shell that it would be upload on app store.
You can use device hardware and native api upto a limit.

A simple grid view for difference..

Available link for download