Vodacom goes red like Vodafone
Vodacom goes red like Vodafone

Ive always wondered if Vodacom would ever adopt the Vodafone branding and yesterday it happened! Vodacom has rebranded to align themselves more obviously with Vodafone who now own 65% of this South African mobile services provider. Vodacom has retained their name (Vodafone + Telkom from the old days) but its been updated to the Vodafone type face and quote logo. The Vodacom blue has also been replaced with racy Vodafone Red.
Hopefully the new look and feel wont require much more than a few cosmetic changes to the Vodacom website on the back of the Vodacom4me migration, however Vodacom is promising that the rebrand will come with much more than some new lipstick and will accompany many welcome improvements including network upgrades and customer service enhancements. I think the new look is awesome! and I am looking forward to all the new changes. @Vodacom is doing a great job on responding to all sorts of customer queries about the new look on Twitter and I caught this historic image of the old Vodacom logo while it was still cached in Vodacoms Twitter feed, capturing a little piece of Vodacoms brand evolution...

DefZA is in the process of updating his free SMS website to make use of vodacom.co.za since vodacom4me.co.za is now officially offline.

Free082SMS.co.za has also been updated to cope with the new website changes. The new Red Vodacom website at www.vodacom.co.za went down (understandably) as I was typing this post, but I was surprised by this very decent Vodacom maintenance page, which is a welcome improvement on any Vodacom error pages I have seen before.

Hopefully this is a sign of things to come, even if it means Vodacom is only going to start dealing with problems in a more elegant manner - A welcome change, even if they will not be retiring Mo the Meercat.
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