Monday, December 5, 2016
What will Android Fans Will be Like
What will Android Fans Will be Like
As the survey for the smartphone market share, Android still rank the first and ios ranks second. (you can see the below pictures).May be you cant remember how crazy the android fans will be, but its certain that you heard the crazy Apple fans.

Source: IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, August 8, 2012
Lets first take a look at some pictures about Android fans

Once the Apple Company determined a specific date to publish its new products, the loyal Apple fans will stay up to wait in line in front of the local Apple store for the new products the day before the released date.Some even wait in line in advance for days!Then Lets take a look at some pictures about Apple fans

Obviously, from the market share,there is something interesting about Apple fans and the Android fans.Usually they behaviour is unconsciously influenced by the phone system they are using.If you dont believe this,lets watch some videos. and if you are one of the two phone os(operate system) users, check if it tell the truth.
The first video entitle <shit, Android fans say> tells how the Android fans act in the daily life
Shit Android Fanatics Say
Shit Apple fans say
These two videos below entitled <shit Apple fans say>tells how the Apple fans act in the daily life
Shit Apple Fanatics Say, Part 2
Obviously, from the market share,there is something interesting about Apple fans and the Android fans.Usually they behaviour is unconsciously influenced by the phone system they are using.If you dont believe this,lets watch some videos. and if you are one of the two phone os(operate system) users, check if it tell the truth.
No matter you are an Android fan or an Apple fan, you will be definitely touched by these videos.I am an android fan, and love the cute and smart look android robot icon.I also will not refuse to try a new os system like ios or widows phone.How about you?
Available link for download