Tuesday, January 31, 2017
ZTE launched 4 inch Android 4 0 Blade III Smartphone
ZTE launched 4 inch Android 4 0 Blade III Smartphone

ZTE has officially announced its third sequel of the ZTE Blades series - ZTE Blade III, that was leaked last month. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and is powered by a 1GHz single-core Qualcomm MSM 7227 A processor.
Key Specs of ZTE Blade III -
- 4 inch WVGA (800x480) 262K TFT Capacitive Touch Screen
- Weight 130 gram
- 123 mm x 63.5 mm x 10mm dimension
- 1GHz Qualcomm MSM 7227 A processor
- Android 4.0
- 4 GB internal Memory, 2.5GB accessible to the user, RAM 512 MB
- Supports Micro SD memory card up to 32 GB
- 5.0 MP AF camera
- HD-ljud, Dual Mic
- MP3, AAC, AAC+, midi, wav, AMR-NB audio support
- Dolby, DLNA
- MPEG4, H.263, H.264 video support
- Bluetooth 2.1, A2DP, GPS, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n connectivity
- Li-ion 1600 mAh battery
- FM radio
The new Blade would be available in white color in Finland in this month for about 176. In first week of October, the handset in black color will make it to other European markets, including Sweden for 1499 Swedish kronor (~US$ 229).
via - ZTE
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YouTube 1.0 application for all blackberry phones

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VPN Over HTTP Tunnel WebTunnel 84 APK Download for Android

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How to use WebTunnel
Please check above screenshots. For more help please visit: http://tunnelguru.com/webtunnel
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Monday, January 30, 2017
Wanita 30 Tahun Namun Masih Balita!!
Wanita 30 Tahun Namun Masih Balita!!
Berita Heboh Gan, Wanita 30 Tahun, Namun masih kelihatan seperti Balita. Ceara, Brazil, Meski sudah berusia 30 tahun, seorang wanita asal Brazil masih tampak seperti bayi karena tubuhnya berhenti berkembang sejak berusia 9 bulan. Tak hanya fisik, secara mental wanita tersebut masih bertingkah seperti bayi.
Maria Audete do Nascimento lahir pada 7 Mei 1981, namun di usia yang hampir 31 tahun ia masih tampak seperti bayi. Para ahli di Fakultas Kedokteran University of Ceara Brazil percaya bahwa Maria menderita kekurangan hormon tiroid (hipotiroidisme) parah.
Karena hipotiroidisme, tubuhnya tidak pernah bisa berkembang secara fisik maupun mental. Andai saja kondisi tersebut bisa teridentifikasi sejak dini, Maria mungkin bisa tumbuh seperti anak normal yang berkembang secara fisik dan intelektual.
Sayangnya, Maria berasal dari keluarga miskin yang tinggal di rumah yang terbuat dari tanah liat di daerah Ceara, Brazil. Ia tinggal bersama ayahnya Raimundo Nascimento dan ibu tirinya Dona Dora, yang telah merawatnya sejak ibu kandungnya meninggal 13 tahun yang lalu.
Keluarganya tidak mampu memberikan segala bentuk pengobatan untuk Maria, yang kondisinya bisa saja diobati bila terdeteksi saat lahir.
"Saya tidak pernah membawanya ke dokter. Kondisinya semua disini serba sulit," ujar ibu tirinya Dona Dora, seperti dilansir folhavitoria, Jumat (17/2/2012).
Untuk saat ini ia terus hidup seperti bayi yang tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhannya sendiri, bahkan tidak mampu berbicara. Beruntungnya, pihak University of Ceara telah setuju untuk memberikan pengobatan gratis kepada Maria.
Pengobatan itu setidaknya bisa membuat Maria sedikit lebih mandiri dan bisa melakukan aktivitas seperti berjalan, makan dan mengucapkan beberapa kata, walaupun kondisinya tidak akan bisa berkembang secara mental.
Di rumah tempat Maria tinggal, meski hidup miskin tapi ia tidak tampak kekurangan cinta. Ibu tirinya telah mengurus Maria dengan penuh kasih sayang sejak hari ia menikah.
"Ini adalah takdir hidup saya. Saya pikir ini adalah hadiah dari Tuhan yang meminta saya untuk menjadi ibu dari seorang anak seperti Maria," tutup Dora.
Hormon tiroid berfungsi menstimulasi metabolisme dari sel-sel tubuh. Tiroid adalah kelenjar yang terletak di leher bagian depan yang berbentuk seperti kupu-kupu dan seringkali mudah untuk diraba. Gangguan yang terjadi pada kelenjar ini bisa akibat ukurannya atau produksi hormonnya yang tidak seimbang.
Hipotiroid (kekurangan hormon tiroid) terjadi karena kelenjar tiroid memproduksi hormon dalam jumlah sedikit atau rendah. Penyebabnya bisa karena penyakit hipofisis, obat-obatan, penghancuran tiroid dan kekurangan yodium berat.
Gejala yang muncul termasuk depresi, kelelahan, tidak toleransi terhadap dingin, kulit dan rambut yang kering, tingkat kolesterol meningkat, denyut jantung menurun, konsentrasi menurun dan rasa sakit atau nyeri yang samar-samar.
"Biasanya masyarakat tidak menyadari gejala yang muncul, kalau jantung berdebar-debar tidak diperhatikan, misalnya mata melotot baru disadari kalau ada teman yang menegur," ungkap dr Suharko Soebardi, SpPD-KEMD, dalam artikel yang ditulis detikHealth.
dr Suharko mengungkapkan gangguan hormonal ini bisa terjadi seumur hidup, meski pada saat-saat tertentu kadar hormonnya bisa kembali normal tapi tidak ada yang tahu penyebab gangguan hormon tersebut muncul kembali.
Sumber : forum.detikhealth.com
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What is System Testing
What is System Testing
System testing is actually a series of different tests whose sole purpose is to exercise the full computer based system.
System testing falls under the black box testing category of software testing. System testing involves the external workings of the software from the users perspective.
What do you verify in System Testing ?
System testing involves testing the software code for following
- Testing on fully integrated applications in order to test how components interact with one another and with the system as a whole. This is also called End to End scenario testing.
- Very thorough testing of every input in the application to check for required outputs.
- Testing of the users experience with the application from start to finish.
- That is a very basic description of what is involved in system testing. You need to build detailed test cases and test suites that test each aspect of the application as seen from the outside without looking at the actual source code.
The Software Testing Hierarchy
As with almost any technical process, software testing has a prescribed order in which things should be done. The following is a list of software testing categories arranged in chronological order. These are the steps taken to fully test new software in preparation for marketing it:- Unit testing testing performed on each module or block of code during development. Unit testing is normally done by the programmer who writes the code.
- Integration testing testing done before, during and after integration of a new module into the main software package. This involves testing of each individual code module. One piece of software can contain several modules which are often created by several different programmers. It is crucial to test each modules effect on the entire program model.
- System testing testing done by a professional testing agent on the completed software product before it is introduced to the market.
- Acceptance testing beta testing of the product done by the actual end users.
Types of System Testing
There are more than 50 types of System Testing. For an exhaustive list of software testing types click here. Below we have listed typical types of system testing a large software development company use.- Usability Testing Usability testing is done to determine whether or not the software is going to be easy enough for the targeted user
- Stress Testing Also known as load testing, stress testing is necessary to know that a software solution will perform under real life situations.
- Regression Testing Regression testing involves testing done to make sure none of the changes made over the course of the development process have caused new bugs. It also makes sure no old bugs appear from the addition of new software modules over time.
- Recovery Testing Recovery testing is done to demonstrate a software solution is reliable, trustworthy and can successfully recoup from possible crashes.
- Migration Testing Migration testing is done to ensure that the software can be moved from older system infrastructures to current system infrastructures without any issues.
- Functional Testing Also known as functional completeness testing, functional testing involves trying to think of any possible missing functions. Testers might make a list of additional functionalities that a product could have to improve it during functional testing.
- Hardware/Software Testing IBM refers to Hardware/Software testing as HW/SW Testing. This is when the tester focuses his/her attention on the interactions between the hardware and software during system testing.
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VR Player video Player v1 8 2 Apk
VR Player video Player v1 8 2 Apk
VR Player - video Player v1.8.2 Apk
![]() |
VR Player |

-Support 2D/3D images and videos
-Supported format: mono, side by side and over-under
-Read local files or urls
-Voice commands
-Gamepad and keyboard support
-Subtitles support (.srt and .smi format)
-Ambient lighting effects
-Support 2D/3D images and videos
-Supported format: mono, side by side and over-under
-Read local files or urls
-Voice commands
-Gamepad and keyboard support
-Subtitles support (.srt and .smi format)
-Ambient lighting effects
Available projections:
-Plane (For regular movies projected on a virtual screen)
-Dome (For action cameras like the go pro)
-Sphere (For 360 videos)
-Full dome (For IMAX/planetarium videos)
-Cylinder (For panoramic videos)
-Cube (For cube maps like in video games)
Based on the open source project that started all, the android version brings you the portable experience. Note that some of the PC features are not supported yet. This include: effects and lens distortion
Requires Android Version : 4.1 or above
App Version : 1.8.2
App Size : 830 b
Play Store : VR Player vidro player
User Rating : 4.0 star
download link below
VR Player v 1.8.2 apk
VR Player - video Player v1.8.2 Apk
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Sunday, January 29, 2017
WiFiKill Network Connection
WiFiKill Network Connection

WiFiKill v1.5 (22/10/2011):
[*] added an option to assign a [b]name[/b] to devices MAC (long-click on the IP)
[*] added an option to show the notification status bar
[*] added option to set the range of IPs to scan, you can also stop the scan by pressing the [i]search[/i] progress bar
[*] fixed some strange no-subnet-scan issue
[*] fixed a bug that caused the percent to go over 9000
[*] new ICON! the old was ugly, this is simple
? WiFiKill v1.3
[*] added an option to assign a [b]name[/b] to devices MAC (long-click on the IP)
[*] added an option to show the notification status bar
[*] added option to set the range of IPs to scan, you can also stop the scan by pressing the [i]search[/i] progress bar
[*] fixed some strange no-subnet-scan issue
[*] fixed a bug that caused the percent to go over 9000
[*] new ICON! the old was ugly, this is simple
? WiFiKill v1.3
? WiFiKill v1.7
Available link for download
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Windows 7 Enterprise Full Version ISO Free Download
Windows 7 Enterprise Full Version ISO Free Download
The Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Full Version Free Download direct link is made available to the users of Softlay. This is the Official Windows 7 Enterprise ISO Download with service pack 1 (SP1) fromMSDN along Windows 7 product key. Softlay gives the free single-click direct download of Windows 7 Enterprise ISO full version for both 32 bit and 64 bit. Download Original Windows 7 Enterprise ISO (SP1) from Microsoft.
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Updated: 22/02/2011
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Windows 7 Enterprise Full Version Free Download ISO Review
Windows 7 Enterprise Full Version Free Download ISO 32 / 64 Bit Enterprise being a major release from the Microsoft Windows that has been made available by the Microsoft in Six different editions (Starter, Home basic, Enterprise, Home premium, Professional and Ultimate). This aims at the enterprise segment of the market where software companies have licensed in great volumes with the Microsoft. Windows 7 Enterprise is the most advanced (ranking just below windows ultimate) Windows operating system for business. So if you are in need to optimize PC speed and to get the best performance you must be downloading the windows 7 Enterprise free full version OS.
You may also like: Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
Key Features of Windows 7
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- Nonetheless, the significant feature of windows 7 Enterprise is its firewall.
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Windows 7 has many key features; however, a strong feature of upgrading is available and the new windows 10 allows you to directly update from windows 7 to the latest version as well as to a new world of Microsoft Windows 8.
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After you successfully downloaded windows 7 ISO file. Save it on your PC. Follow this tutorial which tells How to install Windows 7 Enterprise via USB Drive. The steps to install windows 7 are simple and easy. Comment here if you face any issues during windows 7 Enterprise ISO download or installation.
We at Softlay.net recommend this Spyware & Virus secure Windows 7 Enterprise Full Version Free Download.
Operating System Requirements
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Connectivity: Internet access (fees may apply).
Memory: 1GB
Hard disk space: 15GB available
Video card: 1366 × 768 screen resolution; DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver
Connectivity: Internet access (fees may apply).
Available link for download
Why Were Heading Towards a World Without Windows
Why Were Heading Towards a World Without Windows
In early May, Windows 10 hit a significant milestone, as installations surpassed 300 million new and old devices. But theres two troubling trends that signal that were headed towards a Windows-Less world.
First, Chromebooks recently outsold Macs in the U.S. for the first time. The numbers seem relatively small, at nearly 2 million Chromebooks sold in the most recent quarter, but its where theyre being used that could make desktop Windows irrelevant for an entire generation.
Second, Microsoft just cut 1,850 jobs in its smartphone business, leaving the future of Windows-powered phones in serious doubt.

Lets start with Googles Chrome OS laptops. "Chromebooks are largely a U.S. K-12 story," IDC analyst Linn Huang told The Verge, referring to the huge momentum Googles devices have in schools. My 12-year-old daughter received a Dell Chromebook when she entered middle school, and ever since then, shes barely picked up the cheap Windows-powered HP Stream we gave her a year ago. Everything she needs for doing her homework is online.
My 8-year-old son has been using Chromebooks at school for the last few years as well, and has barely seen or touched Windows. In January Chromebooks surpassed 51 percent of devices sold into the K-12 market. "Chromebooks outsold not just Macs/iPads but Windows as well," said Stephen Baker, vice president of industry analysis at NPD Group.
At some point todays kids may "graduate" to a Windows machine, but when you grow up with Chrome OS and its easy and familiar, there might not be much incentive to switch. Just this week, Google made its cloudcentric platform a lot more versatile, announcing that youll soon be able to download Android apps in Chrome OS as well as use them when youre offline.
Baker doesnt believe that Chromebooks are a threat to Microsofts OS anytime soon, as Windows laptops soundly beat Chromebooks during the critical back-to-school season, exactly when high school and college students snap up their next machines. But the first big Chromebook generation hasnt entered that life stage en masse yet.
As tomorrows kids enter the workforce, surely theyll want to use a "real" laptop as opposed to a Chromebook, right? Not necessarily. Devices like the new HP Chromebook 13 are designed to attract millennials with a MacBook-thin design, and it can power two displays at once and yes run full Windows desktop apps via virtualization software.
"All the OEMs are looking for growth, and selling Chromebooks to businesses can help with that," said Baker. "If Dell can make a play to business with a $700 Chromebook, that might change the equation."
Microsoft has just taken a whopping $950 write-off as a result of streamlining its smartphone business while letting 1,850 people go. In total, the company wasted $8 billion on the failed Nokia acquisition.
A Surface Phone could turn things around, but it will have a very tough hill to climb.
As phones and PCs start to converge, Windows is being left out of the mix. "We think the market long-term morphs into a large screen computing device (10 inches or so and larger) and a portable/mobile computing device like an iPhone," Baker said. "Windows is hard to beat right now in that large screen device segment, and the threat there is much more from Apple than it is from Chromebook."
To be fair, Windows powers the Xbox One, which millions of kids enjoy every day, and Microsoft has in the pipeline the Windows 10-powered HoloLens, an amazing wearable holographic computer that could transform the way we learn, communicate, collaborate and play.
But at least for now, the vast majority of people experience Windows through a PC. As more and more kids use Chromebooks and iPhones and ignore Microsofts OS, we could be heading towards a world without Windows.
First, Chromebooks recently outsold Macs in the U.S. for the first time. The numbers seem relatively small, at nearly 2 million Chromebooks sold in the most recent quarter, but its where theyre being used that could make desktop Windows irrelevant for an entire generation.
Second, Microsoft just cut 1,850 jobs in its smartphone business, leaving the future of Windows-powered phones in serious doubt.
Lets start with Googles Chrome OS laptops. "Chromebooks are largely a U.S. K-12 story," IDC analyst Linn Huang told The Verge, referring to the huge momentum Googles devices have in schools. My 12-year-old daughter received a Dell Chromebook when she entered middle school, and ever since then, shes barely picked up the cheap Windows-powered HP Stream we gave her a year ago. Everything she needs for doing her homework is online.
My 8-year-old son has been using Chromebooks at school for the last few years as well, and has barely seen or touched Windows. In January Chromebooks surpassed 51 percent of devices sold into the K-12 market. "Chromebooks outsold not just Macs/iPads but Windows as well," said Stephen Baker, vice president of industry analysis at NPD Group.
As tomorrows kids enter the workforce, surely theyll want to use a "real" laptop as opposed to a Chromebook, right? Not necessarily.At its Google I/O conference, the company demonstrated how youll be able to edit photos using the Photoshop Mix app (complete with touchscreen support) as well as play games like Clash of Clans.
Baker doesnt believe that Chromebooks are a threat to Microsofts OS anytime soon, as Windows laptops soundly beat Chromebooks during the critical back-to-school season, exactly when high school and college students snap up their next machines. But the first big Chromebook generation hasnt entered that life stage en masse yet.
As tomorrows kids enter the workforce, surely theyll want to use a "real" laptop as opposed to a Chromebook, right? Not necessarily. Devices like the new HP Chromebook 13 are designed to attract millennials with a MacBook-thin design, and it can power two displays at once and yes run full Windows desktop apps via virtualization software.
"All the OEMs are looking for growth, and selling Chromebooks to businesses can help with that," said Baker. "If Dell can make a play to business with a $700 Chromebook, that might change the equation."
The Windows Phone Disaster
Meanwhile on the phone front, a robust 67 percent of U.S. teens own iPhones, according to Piper Jaffray, and a whopping 74 percent of young folks surveyed said they would make the iPhone their next purchase. Microsoft is barely in the phone game at the moment, with its market share now at an abysmal 0.7 percent (according to Gartner).Microsoft has just taken a whopping $950 write-off as a result of streamlining its smartphone business while letting 1,850 people go. In total, the company wasted $8 billion on the failed Nokia acquisition.
A Surface Phone could turn things around, but it will have a very tough hill to climb.
As phones and PCs start to converge, Windows is being left out of the mix. "We think the market long-term morphs into a large screen computing device (10 inches or so and larger) and a portable/mobile computing device like an iPhone," Baker said. "Windows is hard to beat right now in that large screen device segment, and the threat there is much more from Apple than it is from Chromebook."
To be fair, Windows powers the Xbox One, which millions of kids enjoy every day, and Microsoft has in the pipeline the Windows 10-powered HoloLens, an amazing wearable holographic computer that could transform the way we learn, communicate, collaborate and play.
But at least for now, the vast majority of people experience Windows through a PC. As more and more kids use Chromebooks and iPhones and ignore Microsofts OS, we could be heading towards a world without Windows.
Available link for download
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Which apps drain more Battery life in iPhone 5
Which apps drain more Battery life in iPhone 5
Battery life saving application increase iPhone 5 battery life:
You may notice, device get heated when using some apps for 4-5 minutes. And do you know why this actually occurs in some phone-the main reason when using such kind of apps. Device continuously uses more battery life due to application graphics or to load huge supported files.
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Which apps drain more Battery life in iPhone 5? |
We have recently gone through productivity application on iTunes. But Normal application will help to find killing apps on phone. And Normal premium apps cost only 0.99$ on Apple store with all accessible features. This Pro version shows all active application and clear statistical data to increase battery life. As in the Normal app description, application shows the killing apps and how we can extend battery life. We can directly run and install Normal by purchasing from Apple store.
Now-a-days Apple users major crisis in Smartphone is battery life, when we are on apps or games-Battery drain to end as fast as running train. Apple must include high capacity battery in upcoming innovative gadget. To solve this issue Apple release Battery replacement program for iPhone 5 users for selected country. As per the program, this process is available for all the country from today onward.
iPhone Battery replacement Program:
And you need to do some minor setting before proceeding, First of all submitting Apple iPhone serial number which you can get under general setting >About menu. Then saving backup of data to iCloud or any external storage and switch off find my iPhone option. Once completed format all data, contact as well as messages from phone. Now your phone is ready to replacement program.
Once completing all battery replacement, we recommend to download and install Normal apps to phone for better performance.We hope you grab this apps on Apple store soon, feel free to like us on Facebook and share this on social network.
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Friday, January 27, 2017
Watch the WatchDox and Good Dynamics release for developers webcast
Watch the WatchDox and Good Dynamics release for developers webcast
Learn about WatchDox API and business use cases and get the latest updates on the new release of Good Dynamics with SDK support for Swift and Mac OS X.
If you missed out on the WatchDox and Good Dynamics release for developers overview webcast, you can now get yourself caught up by catching the full replay. In the webcast, developers will learn about WatchDox APIs and business use cases and get the latest updates on the new release of Good Dynamics with SDK support for Swift and Mac OS X.
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Read more>> Source Link http://ift.tt/29lExui via CrackBerry.com - The #1 Site for BlackBerry Users (and Abusers!)
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Watch Or Download College Of Doom 1 2 3 Nigerian Latest Movie
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You Can Now Play Counter Strike On Your Android Devices
You Can Now Play Counter Strike On Your Android Devices

Counter-Strike is one the most popular action PC games and now you can play it on your Android smartphone/tablet screen. A coder has managed to port the entire game on Android architecture and
The developers has worked day in day out to bring this interesting game to your smartphone
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Thursday, January 26, 2017
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At wapdam, you can download thousands of FREE content which are specifically customized to your phone.You can download free real music, free real tones, free wallpapers, free animations, free logos, free videos to your mobile phone.
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Wapdam has a great search box which you can use to search for anything you want. When downloading mp3s from wapdam, you have the option of downloading high quality version or the low quality version, which makes a lot of sense to me.
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Windows 10 Manager v1 1 4 Full Keygen
Windows 10 Manager v1 1 4 Full Keygen

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari aplikasi tune up yang cocok digunakan di windows 10, maka Windows 10 Manager Full Version adalah software yang sangat tepat untuk anda gunakan. Aplikasi yang satu ini memang dirancang khusus untuk anda para pengguna windows 10 agar dapat memaksimalkan kinerja komputer yang terinstall windows 10 tersebut.
Windows 10 Manager Full Version ini dibuat oleh salah satu pengembang aplikasi tune up ternama di dunia yaitu yamicsoft. Jadi anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan kemampuan dari Windows 10 Manager Full Version ini dalam memaksimalkan kinerja windows 10. Disini anda akan mendapatkan program Windows 10 Manager Full Version dengan gratis. Otomatis anda akan mendapatkan semua fitur premium dari program tune up keren yang satu ini.
Features Of Windows 10 Manager :
Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown speed, tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance; Control what is started on Windows startup, check and repair the advanced starup items to restore the malicious change by viruses; Tune up and optimize system services and Task Schedule, turn off smartly some unnecessary system services and tasks to improve system performance.
Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart; Smart Uninstaller can fully delete programs from your system without residual files and Registry entries; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Disk space; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with the same size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner checks and repair incorrectly linked Registry entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexes your Registry to reduce registry access time and therefore improve application responsiveness; Desktop Cleaner can clean useless icons and files on Desktop easily.
Customize the look of your system by tweaking system Explorer, Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar and notification area; Manage the pinned items and can pin any files or folders to Taskbar and Start Screen; Create the quick startup items on Taskbar with the Jump List launcher; Tune up Windows 10 boot menu; Edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; Edit easily the Win + X menu that shown when right-click on Desktop bottom-left corner or Win + X keyboard shortcut ; Create the shortcut that executed quick on run dialog box. Visual Customizer can change system and file type icons, change the lock screen image automatically.
Improve system security by tweaking system components, UAC and login settings; Tune up System Restore options; Hide and restrict to access drives and programs; Encrypt/decrypt files, move system folders to safe locations; Undelete the files that accidentally deleted or formatted on disk; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; Hide, add or delete the Control Panel entries.
Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; Tweak the Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer easily; IP Switcher can switch your IP address easily on different networks; Edits the Hosts file to speed up surfing internet and permit only to access the specified Hosts.
Misc. Utilities
Show the collection of Windows utilities and pin system items to Start Screen and Taskbar; split and merge any files; Automatically back up files regularly using Super Copy. Registry Tools help you to operate Registry easily.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2017
WinRAR Full Version Free Download Latest
WinRAR Full Version Free Download Latest
Winrar full version free download to create and extract your zip files absolutely free. WinRAR is a powerful and must have program to manage archives and many other features makes it stand out from the rest of archivers available online.
Developed by RARLAB, WinRAR is useful compression tool which can unpack several ZIP archives including JAR, ISO, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE, ARJ and many others. As compare to other archivers WinRAR creates smaller archives which not only save your disk space as well as easy to share because of smaller size.

WinRAR is an easy to use, fast and most reliable archiving utility. It supports all versions of windows, windows XP, windows 7, windows 8 and 10. WinRAR is lightweight, flexible and feature rich compressing utility that gives you instant access to main archiving functions.
WinRAR Latest Full Version Free Download and Get Following Features:
- Supports almost all popular ZIP archives such as, JAR, ISO, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE, ARJ, GZip, UUE.
- Easy to use, faster compressing, flexible and save time and disk space.
- It automatically identifies the files and selects suitable compression method for each.
- WinRAR lets you divide ZIP files into separate volumes that make it easy to set send data through web.

Free download full version of WinRAR to enjoy all the features.
Available link for download
Wordpress Blogging Client for Blackberry
Wordpress Blogging Client for Blackberry
In addition to BIS support, the new beta includes the following:
* Added support for the more tag in both pages and posts
* Tweaks to the UI based on user feedback
* Most error messages are now localized
* App now work even when the device memory is set to encryption mode on
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Yahoo to shutdown MyBlogLog
Yahoo to shutdown MyBlogLog

Its just like almost casual and nothing too much extraordinary considering you dont use this free service just like Yahoo 360, Geocities , Briefcase , SpotM and so on which are no more . However, Yahoo has its own strategy but there is no official announcement yet.
The time 2006 when MyBlogLog was arguably one of the hottest social networking tool online certainly . Bloggers everywhere had installed mybloglog widget and tracks of most popular link just like blogcatalog .
If Mybloglog is closed down , still Blogcatalog is there which has same functions and features but not better than Yahoo MyBlogLog .
ReadWriteWeb reported from sources close to the project that Yahoo will shut down MyBloglog next month.
MyBlogLog doesnt hold the blogging communitys attention today the way it did a few years ago, but if the report is true, it will disappoint many who continue to use the service.Yahoo bought MyBloglog in early 2007 and expanded with many new improvements like basic analytics data just like google analytics but not better than google .
One of the best feature was that MyBlogLog let users add information from their social streams like facebook , yelp , blogger ,myspace , twitter and many many more .
In their post, ReadWriteWeb talks to MyBlogLog co-founder Eric Marcoullier, who offered this perspective on what happened after the Yahoo acquisition:
So much of your companys long term sucess when its acquired is based on the amount of executive juice it has. The only way it survives and flourishes is if you have an executive champion who promotes it internally. Shortly after we were acquired we were transfered away from our champion and under someone who didnt feel the same way about MyBlogLog. In those circumstances, things simply slow down.
Then immediately this was posted in Yahoo! Developer Network Blog
Yesterday, rumors surfaced around Yahoo!s imminent shutdown of its MyBlogLog service. Frankly, its no secret within Yahoo! that were actively discussing the future of MyBlogLog. However, its also true that we have not made any final decisions at this point. Is a shutdown on the table? Sure, thats an option. But there are other options as well. We know this creates some uncertainty for current MyBlogLog users. While we arent quite ready to share more details, we promise to keep you posted.
Yahoo had acquired many other networks and similarly killed many of em !
Though i surely hope Yahoo messenger will never die with its many applications and plugins like pingbox which even gtalk doesnt have , also the infamous Yahoo 360 similarly Yahoo meme which ultimately created a hell lot of buzz with nice method of " By invitations only " which never proved a twitter killer .
What do you think about this? Where would you go?
Lets hope Yahoo ! this time dont succeed :D
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